Illustrator or pdf to Hubspot
Vector based artwork is a good starting point for Hubspot development
Although now superseded in UI design by prototyping tools such as Figma, Invison and Adobe XD Illustrator, still has it’s time and place. The main benefit to the developer is that non photo objects will be rendered as vectors as opposed to bitmaps (jpg,png, gif). This allows the developer to grab graphic assets and deploy as svgs which are considerably smaller in file size, great for performance metrics.
Illustrator will give the overall “design picture” but in my experience designers often just concentrate on two macro layout interpretations of desktop and small mobile. This is where you need a design-led Hubspot developer to interpret how the layouts will cope in a fully responsive range across multiple viewports; these are page widths essentially - small mobile > large mobile > tablet > desktop > widescreen etc).